Country Living in Australia

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Some of the many contributors:


John & Pam Dysigner

Operate Bountiful Blessings Farm in Tennessee, USA, an organic market garden. John and Pam were directors of the Adventist Agricultural Association (AdAgrA) in it’s germination and have a passion to encouraging others to experience the blessings of an agrarian life.


Kerryn Martin

Director of The Lost Seed - a seed saving company with a passion for saving our heritage variaties. 


Jeremy Price

Jeremy is a 4th generation fruit grower from the Perth Hills region in Western Australia. With 23 years experience in orchards. Currently living in Manjimup WA with his wife Rochelle and three girls.


Justin and Yvette Epps

Moved to the country in 1998, with their 2 children to set up their off-grid, owner built home in the western slopes of the Snowy Mountains. Justin is a qualified horticulturist with a background in urban horticulture and organic farming.


Daren Greenfield

Farm Manger for Weimar Institute in California, agricultural educator and passionate to see agriculture return to God’s intended position as foundational to true education. Originally from across the ditch (NZ), Darren has also been the chairman for Adventist Agriculture Association (AdAgrA).


Edwin and Jennifer Dysinger

Have been family farming with their children, working in partnership at Bountiful Blessings Farm for over 10 years. Worked for 16 years in missionary work in Africa and the Middle East, assisting and educating communities develop their own farming operations.


Rod & Desley Bailey

The Bailey family operate Masters of Fresh, a market garden in Rolland Plains NSW, feeding over 200 families per week. Rod & Desley founded Cultivate Conference.


Ben & Jana Meldt

Ben & Jana are Holistic Health Educators and Coaches. With a young family have worked the mission fields of Vanuatu. Sharing and growing! Ben has a passion for soil because healthy soil means healthy plants, and healthy plants means healthy people!


Ian Mot

Ian Mot is an Agronomist, soil health educator and entrepreneur. Director of Vital Soils Services and operates Hills Nest Gardens, a trial site testing and developing soil health products and market gardening equipment.


Alan Fisher

A keen gardner and church historian especially on the topic of agriculture and its roots in Avondale Collage’s establishment.

Did you miss last year?

Recordings are all up with extra resources on the website. Most meetings were video or audio recorded. These recordings are now avalible on our website!

Past Conferences

Our mission is to encourage and nurture young people, families, gardeners and farmers to grow into God's given plan for agriculture

For them to “become industrious and self-supporting, very many must have assistance, encouragement, and instruction. There are multitudes of poor families for whom no better missionary work could be done than to assist them in settling on the land and in learning how to make it yield them a livelihood.” - Ministry of Healing p.192.2

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